Pre-production is arguably the most stressful aspect of Music Video Production. Yes the shoot can be stressful and so can the edit but if you’ve got the correct planning in place they should be relaxed and enjoyable experiences.
“Iconic iconic that’s what you are, bionic bionic you’re working it hard” lyrics from the latest music video for artist Navin Kundra Produced by Epik Music Videos.
Firstly, good job on choosing to make a video to promote your music! The market has never been riper! But, now you've made the decision, what happens next? Okay, we're assuming that you know exactly what you want. You have a vision. You may even have a script! Where do you start finding the people who can make your video happen?
Being a director is hard. Making music videos is collaborative, but just trying to keep a handle on all the roles involved can amount to as much stress as taking them all on yourself! Tai Campbell of Epik Music Videos kindly shared his wisdom with me for anyone wondering what the role entails for the budding Hype Williams.